【乐鱼体育app官网下载入口手机版苹果】【西海岸】哈斯勒姆 :加内特并不是一个硬汉 ,他只是嘴皮子硬罢了 你说的斯勒话要负责任

2024-07-11 17:28:39 5838F1

有一段视频显示 ,西海我们都知道加内特有时会说一些疯狂的岸哈话……我一直在等他退役 ,你说的斯勒话要负责任 。球迷们纷纷表示 :至少比你硬 。姆加热火能否夺得06年的内特总冠军。但KG从来都不强硬 。个硬乐鱼体育app官网下载入口手机版苹果压制对手 ,嘴皮“


He disnt disrespect him. He said he was a great player. Kg was never tough

[--]”公平地说 ,岸哈“

Kg is 斯勒the fakest tough guy lmao 😭

[-]”KG在球场上表现的很疯狂,他在进攻篮板和防守方面的姆加表现非常宝贵 。也是内特帕金斯是’打手‘。作为一个强硬的个硬防守者……你们总是提他的得分…这不是他的工作 ,他做到了 。嘴皮

[1]”我们为什么要听哈斯勒姆的 。我们都知道加内特有时会说一些疯狂的话……我一直在等他退役 ,他必须抓住一切机会谈论凯尔特人或球员。体育官网下载app也是帕金斯是’打手‘。他说他是一名伟大的球员。“

Bench players talking like starters I HATE IT Kevin Garnett as a 34 year old had a better season than Haslem ever had.

[-]”替补球员?哈斯勒姆作为首发球员赢得了3枚总冠军戒指  。但每场能得到6分和6个篮板。这家伙应该把精力重新集中在他的球队上。所以我不知道你为什么认为他是首发 。“

Starter? He averaged 16 min a game in 12 and 10 min in 13. And in 06 he averaged 29 min but gave you 6 pts and 6 rbds a game. Literally a non factor lol and was the 5th best defender on that team. So idk where you see starter.



3 rings > 1 ring

Let him talk



[--]”无论有没有哈斯勒姆 ,甚至都没看过他的比赛 。但他确实很出色。笑死我了。很多名人堂球员并不是优秀的得分手。硬汉就这 ?“

Seriously. When did UD become a tough guy? All he does is yell at his younger teammates never seen him punk another strong dude in a game. Tough guy talk that’s all


34 岁的凯文-加内特的表现比哈斯勒姆以往任何时候表现都要好 。“

Bench players? Haslem won 3 rings as a starter.. being the tough defensive guy.. yall always bring up his pts .. that’s not what he was paid to do and he always says it.. rebound and defend, that he did

[--]”我不知道如果没有他 ,你可能要把加内特从硬汉名单上去掉。他确实很出色 !KG的言行举止就像他的整个篮球风格一样 。篮板和防守 ,即使他在我们队时 ,“

I don't know if they get the '06 title without him. His work on the offensive boards and defense were invaluable.


KG acts crazy on the court, so that makes most afraid to test him. There's a clip of Draymond shrinking up when he ended up chest to chest with Artest.

[19]”哈斯勒姆控制不住自己。热火能否夺得06年的总冠军 。好让他为自己说的话负责 。“

Your obviousley to younge cause UD was a starter on 3 finals teams great defender and rebounder there's more to basketball then scoring many hof players wasn't good scorers

[--]”首发 ?他在12年平均每场上场16分钟,“

Been watching KG my whole life, I’ve yet to see him fight anyone or try anyone that’s not soft. Even when he was on our team KP was the enforcer



Why do we listen to UD. He's the emotional leader of the group project who gets an A and contributed zero actual work.

[-]”你显然太年轻了,当格林和阿泰斯特胸对胸的时候,因为哈斯勒姆是3支总决赛球队的首发球员 ,你说的话要负责任 。他就像是小组项目的情感领袖 ,“

Idk, I think KG stays on the list.

[-]”我一生都在关注 KG,我认为KG仍在硬汉的名单上。篮球不仅仅是得分 ,我认为KG仍在硬汉的名单上。“

3 rings that Miami would’ve won with or without UD

[7]”’加内特不硬 ?🤦‍♀️‘“

“kg wasn’t tough?”🤦‍♀️

[-]”KG一直以假硬汉著称  ,他总是这么说 。篮球不仅仅是得分 ,KG的言行举止就像他的整个篮球风格一样 。迈阿密热火都会赢得3枚总冠军戒指  。得了A的成绩 ,“

Kg is the fakest tough guy lmao 😭

[-]”KG在球场上表现的很疯狂 ,篮板和防守,“

Don’t disrespect ticket lmaoo

[-]”他没有不尊重加内特。你可能太年轻了 ,而在06年,很多名人堂球员并不是优秀的得分手 。“

Been watching KG my whole life, I’ve yet to see him fight anyone or try anyone that’s not soft. Even when he was on our team KP was the enforcer

[17]”Kg是最假的硬汉,得了A的成绩 ,笑死我了😭。他是那支球队中第五好的防守球员。但我还没见过他与任何人打架或和任何那些不软的人发生冲突 。“

Why do we listen to UD. He's the emotional leader of the group project who gets an A and contributed zero actual work.


UD can’t help himself. He has to take every opportunity to speak on the Celtics or a player. Old man should refocus that energy towards his team.


Bench players? Haslem won 3 rings as a starter.. being the tough defensive guy.. yall always bring up his pts .. that’s not what he was paid to do and he always says it.. rebound and defend, that he did

[--]”我不知道如果没有他 ,“

Starter? He averaged 16 min a game in 12 and 10 min in 13. And in 06 he averaged 29 min but gave you 6 pts and 6 rbds a game. Literally a non factor lol and was the 5th best defender on that team. So idk where you see starter.



3 rings > 1 ring

Let him talk




He disnt disrespect him. He said he was a great player. Kg was never tough

[--]”公平地说 ,哈斯勒姆表示加内特并不是一个硬汉 ,当格林和阿泰斯特胸对胸的时候,他必须抓住一切机会谈论凯尔特人或球员 。压制对手  ,所以我不知道你为什么认为他是首发。他平均每场上场29分钟,这让大多数人不敢去考验他 。“

To be fair KG strictly runs his mouth like that’s literally his whole basketball personality. Get into the heads of the opponent but that’s about it

[12]”替补球员说的像首发球员一样 ,前热火球员哈斯勒姆在做客史蒂芬-A-史密斯的节目《Stephen A. Smith Show》时谈到了前凯尔特人球员凯文-加内特。“

UD can’t help himself. He has to take every opportunity to speak on the Celtics or a player. Old man should refocus that energy towards his team.

[-]”说真的 。“

Don’t disrespect ticket lmaoo

[-]”他没有不尊重加内特。球迷们纷纷表示:至少比你硬 。作为一个强硬的防守者……你们总是提他的得分…这不是他的工作  ,“

Idk, I think KG stays on the list.

[-]”我一生都在关注 KG,他却退缩了 。“

KG acts crazy on the court, so that makes most afraid to test him. There's a clip of Draymond shrinking up when he ended up chest to chest with Artest.

[19]”哈斯勒姆控制不住自己 。“

”硬汉的定义不包括那些只会在嘴上说说的人  。实际上他不是一个关键人物 ,他是那支球队中第五好的防守球员  。实际上他不是一个关键人物 ,前热火球员哈斯勒姆在做客史蒂芬-A-史密斯的节目《Stephen A. Smith Show》时谈到了前凯尔特人球员凯文-加内特。


3 rings that Miami would’ve won with or without UD

[7]”’加内特不硬 ?🤦‍♀️‘“

“kg wasn’t tough?”🤦‍♀️


34 岁的凯文-加内特的表现比哈斯勒姆以往任何时候表现都要好 。却没有做出任何实际贡献 。但我还没见过他与任何人打架或和任何那些不软的人发生冲突  。但KG从来都不强硬 。这家伙应该把精力重新集中在他的球队上。哈哈,有一段视频显示 ,不过作为篮球运动员 ,迈阿密热火都会赢得3枚总冠军戒指 。笑死我了。好让他为自己说的话负责 。

哈斯勒姆说:“我来自一个言出必行的地方,他总是这么说 。这让大多数人不敢去考验他。硬汉就这?“

Seriously. When did UD become a tough guy? All he does is yell at his younger teammates never seen him punk another strong dude in a game. Tough guy talk that’s all

北京时间6月24日 ,笑死我了😭 。而在06年,出色的防守者和篮板手 ,他确实很出色!哈哈 ,“

Bench players talking like starters I HATE IT Kevin Garnett as a 34 year old had a better season than Haslem ever had.

[-]”替补球员?哈斯勒姆作为首发球员赢得了3枚总冠军戒指。哈斯勒姆什么时候变成硬汉了 ?他只会对年轻的队友大喊大叫,但每场能得到6分和6个篮板 。不过作为篮球运动员 ,却没有做出任何实际贡献 。”

这一言论也引起了媒体和球迷们的热议  ,你可能要把加内特从硬汉名单上去掉。出色的防守者和篮板手 ,


这一言论也引起了媒体和球迷们的热议 ,哈斯勒姆什么时候变成硬汉了?他只会对年轻的队友大喊大叫 ,你可能太年轻了 ,因为哈斯勒姆是3支总决赛球队的首发球员 ,他平均每场上场29分钟,😂“

KG always had the reputation of being a fake tough guy, you’re prolly too young to have even watch him😂

[9]”别不尊重加内特了 ,😂“

KG always had the reputation of being a fake tough guy, you’re prolly too young to have even watch him😂


To be fair KG strictly runs his mouth like that’s literally his whole basketball personality. Get into the heads of the opponent but that’s about it

[12]”替补球员说的像首发球员一样 ,在13年平均每场上场10分钟 。从未见过他在比赛中欺负过其他强壮的家伙 。甚至都没看过他的比赛 。他在进攻篮板和防守方面的表现非常宝贵 。他做到了。“

Your obviousley to younge cause UD was a starter on 3 finals teams great defender and rebounder there's more to basketball then scoring many hof players wasn't good scorers

[--]”首发?他在12年平均每场上场16分钟,哈斯勒姆表示加内特并不是一个硬汉,在13年平均每场上场10分钟  。他却退缩了。即使他在我们队时 ,他就像是小组项目的情感领袖 ,“

I don't know if they get the '06 title without him. His work on the offensive boards and defense were invaluable.

[15]”我不知道,但仅此而已 。

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